36 Chris Povertyforas, I rituall riches. Thefeare not true riches, becaufe 1-They make they make not a man better; theymay be a fnare not a man bet- ter. to him , and makehimworfe , and puffehim up: as every graineof riches hathavermine_of pride, and ambition in it. eharreriebmen t bat abe beenet high minded : they maymake a man wore, they cannot make him better. Can thatbe true riches that makes a manpoorer, that hath not agracious heart a Surely no,: thefe richesoft times are for Simile. the hurt oftheowners: menare filledas:Sponges, and then fqueezed againe; are thefe true riches' that expofe a man to danger:' Trueriches areInch as not only we may doegoodby, but they make usgood. Grace makes us better., it commen isus toGod. Ail therichesin theWorld doenoncom mend us to Gott r It is faid of Antieobs, agreat Monarch, hewas a-vite and. bate perfon, becanfe he was a wickedman. There is no earthly thing cancommendamanroGod, ifhe be nauglit,áif he have a rottenprophaneheart. t Againe,they are not true riches, becaufe aman lit=hem out-lives them death fcrnes him out ofall: death comes and examines himwhenhegoes out ofthe world, and will fuífer him to carry nothing with Sitnik. him. Ifa man come to another mans Table, and think tocarry awayhis plate,or anything elfe he will be frayed at the gate, and have it taken from him. Nothingwebrought into this world, and with nothingwe mullgoe out ; and are they true riches that determine inthis life They are not Thenagairie, thefe riches, they are notpropor proportionabte to the route. tionable to the routeof maa : when the foule of man