Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

ChriffsPovertyfor us. man bath the image ofChrift on ir, nothingwill farisfied it but fpirituall things: there is nothing in the world will fatisfie a gracious foule, but grace and glory. It is only grace, and the fpirituall things byChrift, that are the true riches, that make us good, and coninue us good, and conti- nue with us, wee carry them toHeaven with us. Therefore, as the Apoftle faith, we fhoulddelire the heft things, labour for the beft portion, that (hall never be taken from us. Whenwe have ma- ny things in this world fet beforeus;íhal we make a balechoilef as the Gadarens, to fave their Hogs, they would lookChrift:fhall wee makechoice of poore things, and leavegrace, and Chrift No, fence we have judgement tomake a difference, let us makea wife choice; judgement is feen inchoice of different things : for though thefe things bee good, yet they are inferiour goods; andwe loofe not theft things by labouring for grace, and the beft things;the belt way to have thefe things,is to labour for the belt things. Solomon clefìred wife- dome, and hehad riches too. Letu fceke the king_ dome ofGod, and there things(as far as they be need- Full) (hall bee call an rii. Thereare the truths of God: Therefore let us be ashamed that we difco- ver our ignorance by making abare choice, and let uslaborartochoofe the heft things: Chrift be- came poore to makeus 'rich in the belt things, to make us rich ingrace, in joy, in peace, and com- fort, &c. Therefore let usefteeme our felves,and others highly from hence,and let us not judge by appear. C 3 ance 37 Fromwhat ground to e(teeme our Calvesand oQ thets