Oar own fauIt if wewant Cpi- ritual! riches. CI rifts Poverty for us. ance: whenChritt was put todeath, howdid the World judge hits' Amiferable man,a firmer: be- caufethey judgedby appearance; Co it is the lotof `Gods children {though theybe, never fo rich) yet 'thole that looke upon their outward condition, that judge by appearance, becaufe they areout- l1 but p judgenot bytappeara they as Chrift faith: the life that we have ishidden,our happineffeand riches are hidden with God ; yet thofe that we have nowareworth all the world. Is not a little peace of confcience, and joy in theHoly Ghoft, andaffurancethat God isóu:s,worthall worldly things:' The leaft meafure ofgrace and comfort, is worth all:andyet what we have here is nothing tothat wefhall have in Heaven. We maybeafhamed thebefhofus all, that we live not anfwerable to our eflate Weeare oft times poorer in grace then we need to be; having fucha Fountaine fo neare us, toperifh for thirft; to be at a feaft, and to perifh for hunger; tobe at a 'Mine, and tocomeawaybeggers. Ir is a fgne we want fpirituall fenfes,it is a figneof infideliry,that we are not capableofour fpirituall wants; that we fhould-profefie our (elves to be Chriftians,to be members of Chrift, and yet havenograce, no fpirituall ornaments, no garmeots,to hang on our foules,it is a figue there is no unionlbecaufe there is nocommunion.Wedrawnothing horn Chrift, we are Chriíiians without Ch:i(l, we have no anointing from Chrift. Let us take heed that we be not titular Chriflians,to haveonly thename of Chritians ;