Cbriffs Pol,erty for us.. z9 Christians: let us labour tobe Christians indeed, and for that end confider , what was the end why Chrift became poore , to make us rich ; why should we frustrate his end,.' Therefore let us search what riches wee have fromChrift, whether our debtsbe paid; whether our fins be forgiven; wemay knowwe have our fins forgiven, ifwe have fanóifiinggrace : God "never payes our debts, but he gives us a flock of grace; let us examine therefore what riches w e have. Some Christians are rich, but theyare de- ceived in their owne condition; they think they are pooreand beggerly, and have nothing, when theyare rich : what is it than deceives theme Sometimes it is, becaufe they have note CO much as others, therfore they think they have no- thing, not confidering the degrees inChristianity- Or becaufe they have riot fo much as they would have;as acovetous man he alwayes lookes forward, he isnever fatisfied; fo a Chriftian out of a Cpirituall covetoufnefhe, by looking to that he wants,forgets that hebath. Sometimesa Chriftian incafeof temptations, and desertion, confcience may fuggeft his wants altogether,God wil humblehim this way,though it may be an error inconfcience,yet I would there were more of this kinde; fuch people are tobee encouraged, as in Revel .z, Thou fayeft thou art poore, and theworld thinkes fo,but thou art rich: fo there are many that are poore in their owne conceits, that think theyhave not'hing,butindeed they are rich; and they discover their interest in C 4 the To ccamine what riches we have from hriit. Chrìtliansare rich and know is not. Rev. I.