Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Chrispoverty for us. .R....- ..-. circumfpec`tthe true riches ,by their delire, and hungring and thirfting aftergrace, by their care to pleafe God in all things ;to approve themfelves to God, to doe nothing egainit confcience, by their care in tiling the meatres of falvation, and their walking ly ; a man may fee and difcover their riches in their carriage : and if there be the leali degree of grace ,it isgreat riches : in re- Bard of inferiour things , though it be little in re- gard of that wee (hall have in Heaven . Let us fearchwhat weehave, that we maywalke thank- 'fully, and comfortably . We fee worldly men how they fet themfelves out in a little riches, and (well in their owne conceits. A Chriftian bath that that is infinitely better, and fhall hee alway droops and be caft downer If he be a found Chri- Why Chrifli than that hath any goodneffe inhim,let him walk ana are Co poor . in grace. a comfortable and cheerful! life, anfwerable to his riches . We account them baleminded men, that being very rich, yet they live asifthey had nothing: fo Chi iftians are tooblame, that having great riches in Chril,they live asuncomfortably as ifthey had none. What is the reafon( Ch rift beirg fo rich) that Chriflians have no more graced Sometimes it is becaufe they fearch not their owne dilates for good, as well as bad. And then theydoe not empty themfelvesenough, that Chrift may fill them. They are not thankful! e- nough for that they have; for thankfulneffe is the way toget more.. uis`iz. How (hall we carryour felves that we may im- prove Chrifts riches; to be made rich in grace by hime Firft