a. thrifts lnorverty for us . Firff let us labour for the emptying graceof humility, which will empty the foule, and make it of a large capacity to containe a great meafure ofgrace : God fils the hungry nrth good things, he reafts the proud, but hegives grace to the hum- 61e: let us labour to feeour wants and necelïìties, andthe vanity ofall earthly things, and then we lhall be fit to receivegrace. And then labour to fee the excellencyof the grace we want,' and that will flretch and inlarge our defires.And withall fee the neceffityofgrace: we muff have faith, hope, and love, we cannot live as Chritlians elfe: we muff have contentar ion, we flail live miferably elfe: wecannot be like Chriff without grace, And withall know that Chrifl is rich forus: he bathnot onlyabundance ofthe Spirit, but redun- danceto overflow to us his members; as thehead bath redundance offpirits, and fenfes for the de ofthewholebody , it fees, and feeles, and finels, for theufe of the whole body: whatfoever Chrift hath,he bath for us . Let us labour to knowour riches as =are Chriffians; as wegrow in other [hings,foto be acquainted with t hat wehave in Chriffs. As Children that are heires;ro great things ; atthe firft they are ignorant ofwhat they have;but as they grow in yeares,fo theygrow in further knowledg of that that belongs to them, and they grow in fpirit anfwerable and fuitable to that they !hall have:let graceagree withnature in this, let us delire to know our. riches in lefus Chrift: A,d 41 . How ro im- prove the rieh- es by Chrift. r Hurn,iliry, z See the excel- lency of grace KnowChrias riches for us.