4z To makede ofthem for out Celves. To make goad ufe of recre.ti- ons. itrifts Poverty for us. And not only know that they are ours, but ufe ours ro our owngood, and benefit uponall occa. fions. If we offend God, as every day we doe, make ufe of our riches in Chrift for the pardonof our finnes; he is full of favour, he is our High Prieft, he makes interceffion for us- 1f we want knowledg, he is a Prophet to teach us by his fpi- rit.Ifwe findeour natures defiled, andwant pow- er over our corruptions, he isa King tóguide and lead us (in the midit ofall our enemies) to Hea- ven. If we finde our confciences troubled, confi- der what peace we have in Chrift. Ifwewant out ward things, let us confider we are under age: great perlons enjoy not their inheritanceswhen they are under ycares : if Goddifpenfe outward things tous, it isfor our good: ifhe fend poverty and ilifgrace, it is for ourgood,to fit us for abetter frate. God in his infinite wifdomeknocties better what is good for us, then we doe for our felves.In the want of any thing, let us beleeve that Chrifr is given as a publike treafure to the Church.Thus we may improove thegrace and riches wehave in Chrift. Againe, letus labour to make agood ufe ofeve- ry favour we enjoy , ofour libertiesand recreati- ons, wehave all by the povertyof Chrift; there- fore let us ufe them in a lober manner, (notas the fafhion is)to calf off all careof Chrift, topowre our our (elves toall licentioufneffe. Let us confi- der,this liberty and refrefhing that I have,it is from the blood of Chrift ; as Davids Worthies when they brake through wth the danger oftheir Iives