Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Cbri.fts Povertyfor us. 43 lives toget himwar-en oh(faith he)1will not drink it,it is the blood ofthere men : fo whatfoever liber- ties and good things I have, I have it by the po- verty of Chriff, by the bloodof Chriff, and (hall I mifufe Whence to And certainely it will make us efleememore efteevne of our highly of our fpírituall priviledges thenof our- priviledges. ward, confidering they Colt Chrift fo deare.He became poore, to fet us up when we were utterly banckrupt; he (tripped hinifelfe ofall, tomake us rich; fhall-we not thereforeeau= andufe there things well': And when we are tempted to finne, this ,will be a great m to reffraine ì,s: I am freed from finne by the blood of Chrift, ¡hall I make him poore againe by committing finne:' Shall I wrong him now he is in Heaven:' The Iewes defpired him on earth in the forme ofa fer- vant;but our fins are of a higher nature,of a deep- er-doubledye, we fin againft Chriff in Heaven,.in glory. When wearetempted to frnne,this conk - derarion will make us afhamed to fin, lince Chri-1l bath bought our liberty from finne at fuck a rate' (hall we make light of finne that colt him his deare blond, and the fenfe of his fathers wrath? that made him cry out,. c My God, my. God, ivhyhail :Lou (op ken me? It is impoßïhie that any man fhould powre our himfelfeto fin that bath this confidera- tion . Chriff became poore, that we through his povert y. m ight be made rich. The next thing is the ground or fpring from thence all this comes, it is frofrom gr ÇC you know fron All our.riche fls the grace of our Lord Iefus Chart. h was h;s s,1ez Chri tncerc