44 Grace What it is. Chrif}a joynt cauce ofour falvation. arylsPornrty for us. meeregrace. There wasnothing that could.com- pel I him; God the Father could not compel' him, becaufehe was equal!, withhis Father; being God there was an equality oeffence. And then, what was therein us that fhould move him toabafchimfelfefo low;was there any worth in us No, we were dead : was there any arength in use No, we were dead in fins: was any goodneffe in useNo,wewere Chrifl:s enemies:was there any delire in useNo we were oppofite to all goodnefl'e inour felves, ¡herewas no defire in us to be better then we were : if God shouldhave let us alone to our ownedefires , we were polling toHell.It isthe greateft mifery in theworld, next roHell it felfe,to be given up to our ownedelires: A man were herter tobe given up to theDivill then to his owne defires,he may torment him,and perhapsbringhim to repentance; but to begiven up tohis ownedefires,leads toHell. It is meerely ofgrace,grace;it was the glace ofGod the Father that gave his Son, and it was grace that the Son gave himfelfe. What is grace: It is aprinciple from whence all good comes from God to us.As God loves us men, and not Angels , it is Philan- shropia: as Godsaffe&ion is beneficiall roourna- ture, fo it is love : as it is toperfons in mifery, fo it is mercy: as it is free without any worth in us procuring it, fo it is grace. It is thefime aff_6ìon, only it differs outwardly in regard ofthe objeä. Hence we fee that Chrift muff be confidered as a joynt caufe ofour falvation with the Father. Ir is, thegrace of our Lord Iefus Chrifr, you fee here he