Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Chrifi`s ToWrtyfor uar. 45 he becamepoore tamake us rich. Indeed he was fent andanointed, and fealed, and had authority ofhis Father,yet notwithftandinghis joynt grace, and confent, went with. it : Therefore he was a principle (as Chryjoflome fp.eaks) with a principle, he differsnothing at allfrom his Father,but inor- der ofperfons:firft the Father,and then the Sonne, bothbeing joyntly God,andboth joynt caufes of thefalvation ofmankinde. The Fatherchafe us to falvation, theSonne paid theprice for us, and the Hot Elio}applyes it,and fanetifies our natures -; Godalie Father loved the world, and gave his Sonne, Chrift loved the world , and gave him-' fit:if; ;it icedrnee, andgavehimmfelfefor mee, faith S. Paul. Therefore wee fhould thinkof theTweet' confcnratticTrinity, in their love tomankinde : fo the Father lovectus, that he gave his Sonne; fo theSena lovedus , thatbe:gavehi mfelfe ; fo the Holy Ghoft lovesus, that he conveighs.all¡gr.ace to us, and dwelsin ns, and affures us of Gods love- Weemuft not thinkeof Chrift as an under.; ling.: inthe workeof falvation; hce is a prin- ciple, { in the worke) from his Father. The. grace of our. Lord Iefus Chrift it is the caufe ofall. It was the caufe why hec was man : It is the caufe of all grace that is in us : that that is the cauteofthecaufe , is the caule ofthe thing caufed. ThegraceofChrift is thecaufe of all inus : becaufe it wasthe caufe ofChrifts filte- ring, fromwhencewe have grace. Grace was the caufe that Chrift wasman, and e that he fuffered they- Chryfo,¡t.