i Chri f i$Paver. tyfor us.,. gloryefrGod;.ttterefore what he faith of Ctirift, here-teñdsiatheglory of the Father. Chrïft nòronlyasGod, is gracious, and was wállir'to:xhe<worlouf`fälvatioti:: but as themeri- toriouscaufe of thegrace ofhis Father : for gracé fhouladnot havebeenedërivedto us from the Fa- ther, unlefl"efirft it hadbeene feated on Chrift in our tiarùre¡atìd:infhiai derivedt4-us., . The worke offalvation.as itis from. Chrift, fo it is ffrodn;the-graceöf.Chri#}; therefore it Was free andvóluntxry.: what fofree:asgrace ..',Therefore Chrifts abafemectt and poverty , it was meerely v.ohiritfárlyl; lfacbad:dót ,been; Toluntary; it had ñr0t#ene tt4ireirio>rsatdifaüsfaaóryo . It was a free-will offering, it vwas-ofgrace, not forced and cbnitiianded-without; hás ótvne:confent , it was trileerély ofgrace, for oiirtood and falvatio;n;chat we inightlhasúe::the rrioreccunforC, it was a free- A1luéffêr,pngal3ofaèraeáias inactto-deQlißerdeatlì, to lhecv-thetruth ofhrsminhoòktbìit Whenagaine he corvGdered-whereforelais:Farher lent him,. Not tay .wlll íbrrft=thinebe andrwithjoy,..W.ith4 de- lire, Bavi tiirlixe,dt!>tolony :d.FiffioNer; 8,0 : and lhave a baprrfine; andhon+`aPril paynid Nil I; bee baptrzedw%th ieHowever to thew the t: uth Ofhis manhoodhe feared iPeat;h¡yet (whenhe confide- reáiriihat he v.wasfentfor) it was with :a.refrgnati-, niiltotheiQivsirndNátur.$;fbitwas a free-willoffe-: ring-and a facrificeofafind find to God theFather. Thereforewhen wee thinke of Chrift , let us thinke ofno thingbut grace; or, whenwe thinkof Heavenorofan;y 'Ailing by Chrilt,al:cornes tin- ' der 1. 47 Chrii} the ma riiórious eaufe ofgrace. Chrï(}s abafe- ment volunta- ry, All we have of Chrif} is by grace.