Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

48 Fourc defcents of gr:cc. C./gripPowrtjfir 'SS. i i der thenotion ofgrace, becaufe a.11 comes from meere favour. Therearefouredefcentsofgrace. I'irft, grace as it is in God and Chrift in their ownebreafis,the favourofGod refting in his own bofome. And then thisgrace,and favour(hewed ingrace, that is, inhabituallgrace,in bellowing graceupon our natures, to fweeten and faníifìe ir, to fit it for communionwith God. And then aEtuall grace , the nìovings of the Spirit to every good worke, toevery anion of grace. And then everygift ofGod, every blefling as agrace, becaufe it rifeth fromgrace ; aswe fay of the gifts ofa great perfon, this is his graceor fa. your : fo everygoodthingwe have is a grace. It isthefavour ofGod inChrift thatfweetneth all: let us labour to feegrace inall, efpecially the fun: darnental grace,thefavourofGod,andofChri; thecaufeofall. And let us fee anygrace inusas from that grace, and everygoodadwee doe, a grace frommeere favour; and every biding:wee have, is agracejifotirbearrs begood.; astbeApo`), filecals benevolenceeagrace,eve- ry thing that is good is agrace. Therefore not to tb us, not untous, but unto thynamebe theglory, both ofthy favour,andofal that comes from it:all that we have isfweet,becattfe iniffuif from grace. The favour in the thing isbetter then the thing it Celle: aswe fayofgifts, we care not for thegifr, but for the loveofhim that gaveit : fo the good things that we have,arcnot fó fwnct ai thefavourofhim that