Clii r fts floVertyfir wr., that gives it : when we deferve not fo much as ;daily bread, but that allo is of grace. The fourfe and fpringofall that is in us, is free grace in the breaft of Godand Chrift. In thecontroverhebetween us and the;'Papifts, when we fay we are j ftified by grace, we mutt not underhand it of inherent grace, whereby our Natures are fanétifted, and that but inpart ; but it is meant ofthe free grace and mercy of God in Chrift, and the free grace of Chrift in his owne breaft. Let mistake heed that we build not our ju_ Rification and falvation upona falfe title ; the title is thegrace of Chrift, andof God the Father. Now thegrace we have in Chrift in the breaft ofGod is, either the good will ofGod, whereby he isdilpofed togive Chrift, and to doe all good qo us,therc is nocaufeofthat at all.Chrift as God joyncs with the ,Father in that grace which is.' mor benevolenti,s, thegrace ofgeodmill: Chriftas Mediator is the effe1ofthat grace.But then there is thegrace of complacency, whereby God de- light s in us : this is beftowed upon the creature in effeduall calling : then God fliewves the grace of delighting inus,ingraftingus into Chrift by faith: for though beforeall worldsGod had a purpofe tp, doe goodtous,yet that is concealed till we be- loeeve Aswater that runs under ground, it is hides ng time till it break out fuddenly, and then we difcover that there was a ftreame runnc under ground, as 4rethufa, andother Rivers;foit iswith the favour of Godfrom eternity, it runes undei ground, till we be,calledwe feenot Chrïfts good i D d will We arc Jufìif ed bygrace, hawmcac .