Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

(brills Poverty for sid . more from the fpring from whence they come, then for themfelves. The neceffarics of this life, food, and raiment., they arebut meane things in themfelves: but if we confider what fpring they come from, from the blood of Chrifi that hach purchafed them, and from the grace and love of Chrift : grace will adde value to them : grace will makeall Tweet that we have, when we can fay, I have this from the grace of God : as Jacob laid, Thep are the children that God hath given me of his bountyandgrace. This is the provifion, the helpe, andcomfort, that I have from thegraceofChrif}: for thefamegrace that gives Heaven, gives necef faries and dailybread. Let us look on every thing, and put therefpet ofgrace upon every thing. it is grace that we meet with afflr1ions wherby we are corrected; Godmight have let us goe on in the hardnefl'e of our hearts; lookeupon every thing as afruit ofGods grace and favour. What is the rea- fon that we are no more thankful for common be- nefits t Becaufe we looke not on them as iffuing from grace. Take away grace the free favour of God, extraet this quinteffence take the love of God out ofthings, what are they e Let a man be rich, ifhe have it not from the love and mercy of God, what will all be in time, but fnares e Let a man be great in the world, if it be not from the grace of God, what is it ? As God faith, i mill curfe you in your blefings : without grace we are curled in thofe things that elfe are blell ings : take grace from c.íldam inParadif, and Adam is afraid inParadeje, andhides his head. Take the favour D 2 of 5'