Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

5 t °Chrifts PoVertyfor us. of theKing fromHaman andnot hingv. ill do him good : take the favour ofthe King from 4bfalom, and all other liberties that he had arc nothing worth, Whenhe muff not go to the Court, fo take the graceandfavour of God away that fweetens all, they will prove Bares, and we (hall finde by experience that God will cutfeus in all our blef- frogs. Let us laboar therefore to have a fenfible feeling of this free grace and mercy of God in Chrilt. Chriffsgrace And (toadde this further) the grace of Claritt, fruitfuu, it is a fruirfull grace,it is a rich grace, as the Apo- file faith lire, you 1 now the grace of our Lord le- fluaryl , ìvhabecause poore tomake us rich by his po. vert,, The favour üf God and Chrift, it is no Simile. empty favours itis not like the Winter Sunne that carts a goodly countenance when is thines., but gives little comfort and heat.. Many men, give Tweet andcomfortable words, but there is nothing followes, it is but a barren favour. It is not fo with Gods favour, to give onlya fhining counce nance but no warmth : no, faithtbe. Apoftle, you know thegrace ofour Lord lefus chrrji, who though' he wererich, he became poore. It was a grace that madehim empty himfelfeofhimfelfe, to make us full ; it made him poore to make us rich; he abafect 1 himfelfeto make us glorious. Leis is the man, fe is hisffrength, (faith theProverbe) fo, as is theper- fort, fuch is the favour and good will we expect from him. Now Chriftbeing fo potent a p: -rfon, being God and man,his grace mull needs be won- drous rich, fuitable tohis greatneffe. If God will free