54 for one of them, either fenfible peace and joy, of ifnot that , yet ftrength againft our corrupti- ons, and ability to doeGod fervice in fore mea- fuce; to do fomething above nature : holy defires, and ability., and ttrength, they come not from na- ture, but from the favour of Chrift : therefore ha- ving thefe,t know I am in the love of Chriftahefe a: e favou' s that lace bellowes onely upon hi, ovine ;,favours of the left hand he gives to call awaycs but his fpeciall favours, the riches o, grace, he gives only to hischildren. Therefor' let us labour to finde fomewhát wrought in ou n ¡tares, that may evidence to us, that we are in N)uode- this rich favour of God. rpire, Chrift Laftly, this grace of Chria being free (that we grace is free. neither defired it, nor deferved it; ) why may no Manaffes take hopeas well as David : if he f::b- mit himlelfe, though bee were fohorrible a fin tier as he was e Whymay not Avila perfeeutor finde mercyas well as Timothy, that was brought up togoodneffe from his youth e Ir is free : there- fore let no man defpa.irethat hathbeetle a wicked liver in former time. The belt (land in need of grace, and it is of grace that they are what they are, as S- Nan.' ad faith, Bygrace 1 amthat ram;and the wore, ifthey comeinand fubmit themfelves, and take Chrift for theirLord, and fubrnit to his go- vernment, and will be ruled by hisword and Spi- rit, and not continue to live in rebellious courfes, they maypartake ofthis grace: But againe,,let none prcfume ; for though it be freegrace, yet we muff confeffe our finns,and for- fake Chrifi~s Poverty for us.