What know- ledge this is. k requires good diligence aritais for us. the know that he hath intereft in Chrift r It may be knowneout ofthe Scriptures, as a hiffory,that Chrift is gracious for matter of fact : the Devils know it as well as we, and Judas knew it : but hee fpeakes hereofa knowledge with intereft ; you know it by experience, the Spirit witneffeth to your fpirits fo much, that Chrift gave himfelfe for you. I know the graceof Chrift as mine, as belonging tome, as if t here were no man in the world betides: and as this knowledge is with in- retell, fo it ftirsi:p co due. All other knowledge, buy: knowledge-with intereft, may ffand with de-, fperation; and what good will it doe to know in general' that Chrift came tofive timers, and yetgo to Hell for all that e.k is the knowledge that ap- plyesÇheiff inpàrticular, that Eaves a man ; that knowledge that detc:mines the generall to my owneperfon. Thereforewe muff labour for this. Chrift waspoorefar me, He loiter mç and gave himfelfeforme. The loveand free grad Chrift, it may, and it ought to be knowne. We ought to givealldiligence, tomake our calling and eleelionfare. It may be known, butit cannot beknowne with- out a greae deale of diligence and felfe deniall. This knowledge is a fuper-added grace. It is one thing to be a found Ch riftian,and another thing to know it.Amancannot know it by refiexion but he muff firft be good in exercife ; he muff finde grace working, he muff give all diligence to make his calling and election fare to him .It maybe lure init felfe, but it cannot bePure to himwithout di. ligence : therefore thofe that know their eflate in grace,