Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Chrif1s Poverty for us. 97 grace, they are fruitfull, growing,carefull,watch- full Chriftians. It is nowonder that in thefe fecure times, if we Caine of aske many whether they know themfelves to he doubting. in the ftate of grace upon found grounds:they with well, and they have many doubtings. There are many that have the feeds, and the workeof grace in them3but the times are fo fecure,that they know it nor. Vtually it is made knowne to us in the wortt times, either in the time ofafhic`ti: n, and temptation, and trial!, or after : when wee have fought thegoodfight, and overcome our corrupti- ons. To him that overcarnrneth will giveof the hid- den annah ; that is, he fhall bave a fweet fence ofChrift to beMannah,to be breadoflife to him, to him that confliFts and gets the vkiory over his corruptions. The reafon why many feele nut that fweet comfort from the Gráce ofour Lord Iefwc drift ;it is becaufe either they doe nor conflié} with t heir balecorruptions; or ifthey doe ftrive, they get but a little ground of them. And let us take heed ofthat coldand injurious conceit,as if it werea thing not to be known whe- ther we belong to Chrift or no. What, doe we think that Chrift would come in the flefh, and become poo re,nay become acurte for us,and that he is now in Heaven for us,and all that we fhould doubt whether we be in his love or no e and that we fhould not labour to finde our portion in that love ? What a wrong is this to the grace of Chrift ? Is not all his dealing towardsus that we might be joyfullinour felves, and thankful], and fruitful!