Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Affurancc of falvation, no enemy to good Wortes. Chrijis poverty for us. fruitfull to him:and how can this be without fome knowledge that our (fare is good r How can wee livewell,and dyecomfortably withoutit? There- fore let us make ir, the maine fcope and aime of our indeavour. Oh the happineffcofthat Chrifti- an that isgood , andknower hiinfelfe to be fo I What in this worldcan fall very uncomfortably tofuchaman { Nothing in the world can take downe his courage much : whereas another man that doubts of this can never be comfortable in any condition, he cannot be joyfull and thankfLll in p; ofperity, he cannot becomfortable in adver fity : for heeknowes not from what ground this comes, whether it bein love tohim or no. Youfee from hence likewife, that grace is no enemy rogoodworkes t neither the freedome of Gods-favour: being without any merit on our part; nor the knowledgeand affurance of LIvati- on:ic is no enemy to diligence and rogoodworks, nay it is the foundation of them. The Apoftle doth not ufe it here as an argument to neglea good wor-kes;no he LEI them up by ir. If any thing in the world will worke upon a heart that bath any ingenuity, it is the love, and favour, and grace ofGod : the lave of Chri/I conflrsineth, the loveof Chrift as knowne it melts rte heart: The knowledgeofthe grace of Chrif}, it is very effe. &wall to ftir us up, as to all duties, fo efpecially to the duty ofbounty and mercy : for experience of grace, it will make usgracious, and kinde, and lo. ving, and fwect to others. Thofe that have felt mercy, will beready to (hew mercy : thofe that have1