Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

6o Gr4ke7. 47. 1 Poverty for *S. Iy lulls, it doth not teach naetì to follow and let 1 themCelves upon the evorkes of the Devil', but to Í livefoberly, and juilly, and righceo fly in this prelent evil' world.lris laid ofthe Wornaninthe Gilpell, She lavedmuch, becaufe much warforgiven her : what made that bleffed woman ío inlarged in her affection and love to Chriftr She hadexpe- rience ofthepardon of many fins , and having felt the love of Chrift, fhe loved him againe, And what isthe reafon that thole that are converted from dangerous courfes oflife, do oftenprove the molt fruitfull Chriftians e Becaule theyhave felt molt love and mercy. Who was more zealous then the bleffed Apoftle. S. Paul Oh he found rich and abundant love ! How large is he in let- ting forth themercy of God : oh the height, and breadth, anddepth ! Nothing contegts him, no ex. preffions,when he fpeakes ofGodsmercy: becaufe he hadbeene a wretched man, and found mercy. Let no man be difcouraged ifhe have beene never fo finfull, ifhe come in. Themore need he bath of mercy,the more aboundant God is,as the Apo- file faith here, Tom know the grace of our Lordlefus chrift. And thole that have felt molt grace, will bee molt wrought on, to Phew the fruits of that grace in all good workes, in duties towards God and men. And ifwe finde not our hearts wrought on, by the confideration of thegrace of Ch rift apprehen- ded andknowne to this end. We turne the grace of Godinto wantonnefe, it is a fign of ari ill condition; the Scripture fpeakesnothing but difcomft,rt to fuch,