Chrifis Poverty for us. fuch, that take occafion from the free grace, and infinite, and boundleffe mercy ofGod,tobeloofe and careleffe in their lives and converfations ; that think it is a timeofliberty, and we may doe what we lift, (though the tonguesofmen fay not fo,nor they dare not for fhame, yet their lives fpeak it) would men elfe live in fwearing, and other de- baucht cat riage,that is offenfive to Godand men e Do they knowthat there is a God, a Chrift, and wercy ? Dothmercy and grace teach them that leffon e No , it teacheh us to deny fuch bate lives and lufls, and to live holly, eind foSerly,and jiiftly in thisworld. Thereforefuch men are A- theifts;either they mutt not beleeve the Scriptures, orelfeexclude themfelves from intercftin mercy: for as yet they are not in the Elate of grace., in whom the confrderatio:t of mercy and grace doth not Workebetter effeas then trefe. The Gofpell bath as ftrong encouragements, and ftronger to be good and gracious then the Law. Grace inforceth firitncfle of life more tweedy and ürongly then the Law. The Law faith, Wemu/I not take thename ofGod invaine : and we milt be fubjeCt toour fuperiours , and to live chaftly, Rec. undera curie. Dath not the grace of God teach this as well as theLaw, and from a higher ground e It teacheth the fame thing by at. Igliments taken from !ova and grace. A man peri- fheth by the Law in filch fins, but then there is a pardon offered, ifmen will come under the go ve:nment ofChrìf}, and lead new lives : but if men rëfufe, there is a fuperaddcd guilt ; not on'y juffice The Gofpell forceth firiEt- nefCe of life ..