Ó2 1 Clirifts fiAvrty for us. Doöí. 6. The example ofChri(a thould move us to good. ' Chrifsexam ple,our patern. juftice condemnes fisch wretches, but mercy it felte:becaufe they refufemercy upon thefe termes rather then they will leave their finfull courtes; mercy and juftice both meet to condemne fuch perfons. Let us take heed therefore of abufing the mercy and love ofGod : for then we quite over- throw Gods end in the Gofpell : for why doth he conveigh all to us by love, and mercy, andgrace, but that it may workethe fame difpofidon againe in us to him r or elfewe overturne the end of the Gofpell: Let us take heedofthis as ever we will finde',intereft in this grace, without which we are themiferableft wretches that live: it were better for us that we had never heard of Ch:ift and the Gofpell, then to live in finsagainft confcience, un- der the manifeftationand publication ofgrace. Now together with the grace of Chrift, the Apoftlebrings the exampleof Chrift, that both may iliac themupto the duties of mercy, and bounty , and fruitfulneffe. Indeed the grace of Chrift makes his example more fweer, Men wil- lingly lookeupon examples. The examples of great, and excellent Per- Ions. The example ofloving, and boum ifull Per- fons. The example offuch as are loving, and boun- tifuli tous in particular. Theexample offuch as we have intereft in,that are neere anddeere tous, and we to e hem. Theft fourethingscommendexamples. Now is there any greater or moreexcellent perfon then Chrifte Is