Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

(brills Poverty for us. Is thereany fuller of love, and mercy, and grace thenhe: that hathmade himfelfe poore tomake us rich ? And all ofus(ifwebe Chrittians indeed) wehave interelt in this ; our hearts and conîcien- ces by the Spirit ofGodhave fomeperfwafion of this. And then againe he is deare and neere unto us, he is our Head and Husband, he is all in all unto me. Therefore the example ofChrift joyned with his grace, it is a wondrous forcible example. How (hall wemale thisexample of Chrift pro- fitable tous. Firft of all let us looke often into the grace of Chrifl,thegrace and freemercy of God in giving Chrift : confider howGod hath laid forth all his riches in Chrift, and confider how tnifrrable we had beene without Chr in, even next unto D;vels in mifery. A man is the molt miferable creature under Heaven, ifhehavenot intereft in Chrifl, he is a loft creature. Let us dwell upon the meditati- on and confiderationofthis till wefeele our hearts warmed. Ifone paffe through the Sunne thine, it doth not much heat; but ifthe Sunne beat upona thing, there will be a refleEtion of heat : fo let us thy upon this confideration of the infinite love and mercy of Chrift to us wretches ; and this warming the heart, it will transforme us to the likeneffeofChrift, as the Apoftle faith, 2 Cor. 3. 18. We ellas in mirror beholding the Glory of God, (hemeaner the glory of Gods mercy in Chrift) We are transformed and changedfrom glory to glory, fromone degree ofgrace toanother. The fèrious confideration of the love and mercy ofGod in Chrift. Q e.F #. How to prost¡ by Cbrills ex-' ample. I. The confedera- tion ofChrilts mercy. Simile. z Cor.; t8.