64 GrillsPoverty for us. Chrifl, it is a wondrous fweet thing : and it hat ha Why convene - transforming power with it. And that is the rea- fon why the Gofpell converts men, and not the Law. The Lawnever converts a man, btit (toge- ther with theSpirit) it will cafl him downe;. but the Gofpell, which is thepromulgation of grae, and mercy to penitent (inners,that conféffe their finnes and forfake them, and come under yew, government ofgrace : the publifhing of this hath the fpirit of grace with it to worke converfion; therefore it is called the minitlery o`theSpirit: be caute the Spirit goes with the doetrineofgrace to change us, and makeus gracious, to perfwade us that God loves us,and to flit usup to performeall duties in that fweet affe&ion that God requires in, the Gofpell,theaffection of love. Therefore ifwe bee or ever were converted, it is this way : our hearts arewrought on by theconfederation of the love andmercy ofGod in Chrift ; fo that love, begets love, and mercy begets a fweetneffe:in us on wrought by the Gotpctl, not by the Lavin to God againe. In the nature cfthe thing it cannot be otherwife, when the foule ftands convincedof the fweet mercy ofGod in Chrift ; and of the fweet love ofChrir, who being God, became man, to take our nature, and fuffer the puntihment that wasdue tous : and isnow in Heaven appea- ring and making interceílion for us ; it cannot bee but the foule will be furred up toá define of con -, formitytothis bleffed Saviour. Therefore let us let goe all difputing of election, concerning Gods decree (and let us doe our duty, and depend upon God in theufe, ofthemeans. Let us labour to fee, the