Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Chrifts Povertyfor us. 65' the loveofGod in Christ, and that will put all queflions outofqueftion(though infomecafes we must labour to knowhow tovindicate the truth : but when it comes to our owne particular) lay o- eher things afide, let us doe our duty,in the ufe of meanes, and thinke ofthe end of the Gofpell, of the end of Chrifts incarnationand death ; namely, to revealethebowels of Gods mercy to sinners, and thenwe (hall finde the intendment ofall work- inguponus, that God had an eternall purpofe to fave us. Againe ifwe would make goodufe of the ex- ample of Chrift,wemust converse with thofe that havethe Spirit of Chrift in them (as Chrift is in every good Chriftian) and fee what lovely things the Spirit of Chrift difcovers in them, that will havea transforming power likewife. And certain- lynext to the meditationof Chrift, and theexcel- lencies that are in him ; I knowno waymoreeffe- etuall, then holycommunion with 'thofe- that are led with the Spirit of Chrift, whenv_we fee the fweet fruit of it inothers. It hath beene a meanes fandified, todo agre't deale ofgood to many: & thole that delight not in it,they never knew what the likenef%of Chrift meant : for thofethatdefine tobelike toChrift,they lovethe shiningofChrift inany. In thofe careleffe times, all companies are alike one with another, (indeed when mens callings thruflthem upon it, theymuff beallowed to converse with all men,) but in familiar and inti mate lociety, thofe that doe not make choife of thole that finde some worke of grace on their E e hearts 2. Converse with thole that have his Spirit.