Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

66 Motives to fol- lowChrifls example. ariasTtvertyfor ski. hearts by theSpirit ofGod,they maywell4oubt of their condition :for grace`it.will niake,us 1oß the like. As wefeeicrcatures ofthefameki 3dAhey loveand companyone withanother, Doves with Doves, and Lambes with Latnb )ilfo it tipi bee;, with the child enof-God4 relfdpiedoenoticnow what the Ccunivanioti of SainrCentants, which indeed is a thing; littleLinde ood in the world. Theft timesofrfi utity aretilmesïcffáonfufìoncaf- didioár wjaftnakeusirlual dumei$ntaeherbettter..n; Againe, ifwe would make ufe oftheexan*te ofChili ft ies;asiput caresideretintescti ottrfelves, whatOariíf:nvould doe, or,notfl¡date'in filch!a aafx. Ipriik ffeirryTelf+e.tobei,lnemisermf hvifti, tQ beeTint shInaI, ban4 ,héh; ) lw t1 nay,. ïWiauitil,Crnaa z if) Free :wetAn canh,. _! noíl d{ie4'weareansijlookcfobmefnllyup' doothers,:wouldhe ìiñderaaiiì eiochets,: and:covçr all with.apretenceofjupes'iehittmdtisltheiiàai vils wórlci to'doe fo. 1f ,tarer i,e nesaílaaistief Chriff, woeunto us andlf we be;doe fuchi odur fesfuicwithf lch a neereneífe to, Chtroí}i - Inlet let usbereligiouscopurpofe,or, elfedifçlan aer aid e for it is betteragreatdealenever ito'dwne metgi- on, then to owne its and tolive graceleffc lives un- der theproféßiönofChrift. Now to fair us .op toexpre(l'e Chrift in our lives and converfations. Let us confider. The more like we are to Chrift, the more he delights in us (for every onedelights in thofe that are like them) and what a fweet ftareis itfor God and Chrifi to delight in us e Cod the Father will delight in ts, becaufe