Cbr.ifi.c Povertyfir rs, 67 becaufe we are like theSon of his delight; whom doth God delight molt in e In his owne blared Sonne; andwho comeneereft inhis delight tohis Sonner Thofe,thatexpreffe him in their lives and converfations. Themorelike we areto Chrift, the more like we (hall beoneto another. As if therebeoneSta- tue, or Pitture, orEffigies, that is fet for the,firft fample, theneererthereft come to that, the more like they are onto another: fo I fay, the neerer Chriftians come to thefirft paterne of goodnefi'e, Chrift hi:nfelfe (who is Gods matter-piece(as it were)chat which he glories in) the more wecome tobe like one another, and love and joy one in another. What isthefweet communion that we (hall haveone with another for ever in Heavene Is anot that the Spirit (hall be all in all in every one and each (hall looke uponanother, as perfe in grace and love, and fo (hall folace and delight themfelves fiat in God, and Chrift, and then in one another, admiring and i everencing the graces: and fveetneffe one of another. This is the very joy of Heavenit felfe, and it is the Heavenupon Earth, when wecan joyand folace our fclves.one in another,as we aregood. Now the neerer wee come to Chrift vho is the Image of Godk the morewe (ball attainethis.Therefore let us labour that Chi ift maybe all in all in us; that as the foule doth as the body, fothe'Spirit ofChrilt may aCt us,that Chrift msy fpeakeinus, and think in us, . and love in us by his Spirit ;that he maydwell in us, and joy, and hate in usby his Spirit ; that we Ee z may