Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

68 Gal. z. The example of Chrift Both ûir up to libe- rality and bounty. The equity of the dutyon this ground. Crills example a'motiYe to botlntie. may put offour felves, and our carnali affeaions and the Spirit of theworld sand that we may put on Chrift, and be clothed withhim, chat we may fay with S. Paul, divenot, but Chrift lives in me by his Spirit, whence was Paul ftirredup to that r Oh faith he, Chrift lovedme, and gave himfilfe far. me, Gal a. The graceofChrift flirted him up. Chrift lovedme,andgave himfelfefor me; and by his Spi- rir,he wirneffeth tomy Joule that he did fo.There fore the life that I live, isby.the Spirit of Chrift, Chrift lives in me. But : to come to theparticular duty whereunto thegrace and example ofChrift fhould ilk us up ro be like him ;that is in kindneffe, andmercy, and bounty, to the poore Saints : for that is the fcope ()Effie Apoftle here, in this and the next Chapter. Tomknow thegrace ofourLord iefus,Chrift,who though be was rich, he becamepoore, rc.WherforeBoth the Apotile bringall this! To move them to the duty ofbounty, and liberality. This duty it is legall from theexample of Chrift; it isa thing that bath much equity in it; and it is enoughlo a Chriftian heart that bath the love of God , to pur him in minde of thegraceof God ro him, you need not beat upon him, or preffe him further then thus, Tau know thegrace of our Lordkfiis, Cbri/t; remcm ber youare a Chriflian, you have felt the experi- ence ofGods love in Chrift; everymanwill judge ofthe equity, that we fhoulzl therefore be graci- ous,and kinde,and loving to others,. (in imitation ofChrift) becaufe heBach-beene fo to us .Where- in (lands the equity e Firft , l