Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Chrifts example a motiva to bounrie. Pita., it may appeare in this, if we confider in how nee re a relarion,thofe that need our help, are to us, and likewife to Chrift. Firft, what is their relation tous P Not ,only that they areour A: íh ( for fo are all men) but they are heires ofthe fame falvation, bought with the death of the fame Chrift, fuch as Chrift feeds withhis ownebodyandblood, fach as he clothes with his owne righreoufnefle, they are fellow members with us, fellow heires of Heaven, and members ofChrif},fuch ashe died for to redeeme with theprice ofhis owneblood:there is anunde- niableequity ifwe confider their condition, their relation to Chrift, and tous. Againe, there is a marvellous binding equity, to fee thegrace ofGod tous in particular, Chrift became poore tomakeusrich in grace here, and in glory hereafter : and(hall not I out ofmy rich- esgivefomewhat tothe poore Is it not equal! ? Chrift from Heaven camein mynature and fle(h tovit me; asit is inthe SongofZachary, Theday (priìgframonbigh bath wifted us, and (hall not I ;vift Chrift inhismembersa He came fromHea- ventoEarth to takenoticeof mywantsand wife. ries, to doeand fufferthat that I fhouldhave done and fuffered,hefeeds mewithhisbody andblood, that is,withhis fatisfaâion to Divine ¡ill/ice by his death: and (hall not I feedhis pooremembers' Chrift clothes me with his righteaufneffe , and than not I cloth Chriftin hispoore members r In theconhderationoftfethings,theSpiritofGod will be effeduall,to ftirusuprö this marvellous E e 3 negleâed Their relation C0116. 2 The grace of God to us.