70 'To imitate Chrift in the manner of do- ing good to others. I Speedily. 2 Cheerfully. hrißsexample a motive to bouantje, negleeted duty, of kindneffc and mercy to thole that Band in need. And becaufe Chrift is our paterne herein, let us labour to imitate Chrift in the manner of relee- ving and (hewing kindneffe, and communicating toothers, that we may doe it as C A r. I s r bath done. [-low is that Firft,Chrifl prevented us, whenweneverde- I fired him, fo we tho_ild prevent others. Some- times the modefty of chofe that want; is fuch,that theywill not lay open their wants ; we flìould fee ir, and prevent it:hegives too late (oft times) that gives to a man that asks him. Therefore herein let us imitate Chrift, toconfider of the miferies of o- thers: he looked on andconfidered the miferies of mankinde, and it drew him from Heaven to the Virgins wombe, from thence to the Croffe, to the grave,even as low as Mellon his preventing love and mercy. Therefore when wee fee any need (efiecially if therebe any worth. in them in any kinde) let us not flay till;it,be.w3:eltedfrom us by intrealty (for it is dearely bought oft times that comes that way) but prevent them in mercy, as Chrift loath done to us. Secondly , what Chrift didfor us, hedid mar - vellouschearfull} and readily; oh what a delire hehad toBate his laft Paffeover, a little beforehe was crucified ! With-a delre have I defired to eat this palaverwithyou : he was chearfull in it, he had agreat dzfiretodoe us good;and, as he faith ich. q . when his difciples put him inraind of eat - ing