Chri/Is _ ,toetaspie &motive tobountie. ing, when he had not eat in a long time before, faithhe, It is meat and drink to me to do the will ofmy Father : fo whatfoever we do to others,we Lhould do it chearefully and readily, as he did. Againe, whatfoever Chrift did for us, he did it out of love, and grace, and mercy, he did it in-' wardly fromhisverybowels : fo when we dò a ny thing for others, we fhouldnot onely doerhe deed, but doe it from an inwArdprincipleof love and mercy. Therefore the Scripture phrafe is powre out thy bowels, and faith S. lobs, if a man fee hisbrother in need, andpretend he lovesGod, and yet relieves him not, how is therebowels is fuoh aman.: andfo in Micah, .=FIe hath flawed thee oh man what is good, to love mercy ; not onely to be mercifull,todo worksofmercy, but to love it, to dowhat we do out of love and affeéìion , and owe out thy heart tothy flefb, as it is in Iry, to give he heart and affe Lion, when wedo anything, or elfe we may give with the hand, and denie with the heart. Aman may giveathing fo untowardly, that one may fee it conies againPt his heart and will. Therefore let us labour to doe that we doe with ourwhole man, efpecially from ow heart, and affeeìion, and bowels It is faid of Chrift in the Gofpell, when he faw the people inmifery,his bowels yearned withinhim, the workes ofgrace andmercy in Chrift, theycame from his bowels ñrft. Let us worke our hearts to pitie, and love, and mercy firft, that it may come from the foule as well asfrom the outward man. Againe,Chrift gave that that was his owne, his E e 4 owne Inwardly. Micah. 6 That it ours.