71 (-brills example a motive to bountieb ownebody, hisowne life for his fheepe , and his owne endeavour, whatfoever he gave, was his owne : fo if we will be kind to othcrs,we milt do is ofour owne, we muff not doe good with that that we have gotten from others byunjuft means : for the facrfce of the wicked (in this kind) is an abomination to the Lord. Let us have intereft in that wegive :drift gave hisowne life, and God gave his owneSonne for s. 5 Andas Chrift gave his owne felfe, fo he gave Sea(onably. hi nfeife in life anddeath for us : he did not re- ferveall for his-death : but for us he was borne, forus lived,forus he died, he deferred not all till his death, Chrift did us wondrous goodby his death and menmay doe much good when they die:but letus endeavour tobe like Chrift in both, todo good whilewe live, anddo good when we die likewife. Thecommon f eech is, thegifts of dyingmenare dying, deadgifts, it is a fpecch ten - ding to the difparagernent of gifts in that kind, becaufe theyatenot fo acceptable as the gifts of living men inmany refpet s : notwithffanding let Comfort of taxmenbe-difcoura ed from doing good even worksof mer- vy before whentheydie. Indeed it is molt comfortable to death, do itwhilethey live: Becaufe, It is anevidence then that they have a fpirit of An argument faith tode end u the romifeofGod. It isno offaith. ) p R Pon exercifeoffaith, togive when a man cankeepeit no longer. 2 Againe, he that doth goodwhile he liveth, he lilt benefit Maththeprayersofothers, heis under thebletng prayers others oft.hepoore,and that is a fweet thing. Suppofe the