Chrifis examplea tnotüve tobountie. 77 man is not thepoorer for diferect mercy. Iris feed (as I Paid before) a poore man labours to havehis feed Towne, becaufe it recurnes-olentifully. Lec us be fober and abate ofour fuperfluous expences: pride is an expender, and fuperfluous lufls; let us cut off from them, that we may have fomewhat for feed; lec us labour in an honeft calling,that we may have fomewhat to give. oh, is is a blefl'ed thing to give ! It is a thing that muff begotten by itfe, our foules mutt be exercifed to it, and when we havegotten ir, learneanart ofgiving, we muff exercife faith in ir. And whenwe corne to dye, it will make usdyewondrous fweerly : for when a man hath depended by faith, and trauft upon Gods promife, that He that gives to the paare, lends to the Lord, andother like promifes. I have exercifed li- berality, and now Icome to giveup my foule to God, Ibeleeve that God will make good thepro- mifeoffï"e everlafting. I have beleeved his other promifes before, and though I have cart my feed into theground that I Paw it nor, yet I have found that God hath bicffed me thebetter, in a way that I knownor3and now I depend upon the fame gra- cious God, in thepromife of life everlafting. We fhould labour todoe this, that we may die with comfort. What is it that troubles many when they come to dye e Oh they have not wrought out their f 1vatien with feare and trembling, they have negle±ed this duty, and that duty, they have bene careleffe in theworkes of mercy, &c. The time will come that that which wee have given, will comfort us more then that we have; we (hall alway rtmakes corn Portable in death. Negligence o dunes, trou- bles at death