bri/1, examplea motive to bountie. al way have that whichwe give : for chat goes in b tnck, many prayers are at ide for us ; we have the comfort of it here, and when we dye; what we leave, we knownot what becomesofit. Therefore,letuslabour to be discreetly large, and bountifull: aswe defire to dye with comfort, as we wouldmake it good that we knowThegrace ofour Lord lefus chrjt with interen in ir,andas we wouldmake it good ro our foules, that theexam. pre ofChriff is a thing that ha: hany efficacy with us, or elfe wee Phew that wee hive no inter. reff in the grace ofChrift, and then how mifera- ble are we r We !hall with ere long that wee had part in this graceand love of Chria, that he would f peakcomfortably to us at the latter day, Comeyeble f fedofmy Father inherit a kingdom. Our life is (hort and uncertaine, as we (hall delre it then, fo labour to beallured ofit now, and let as bee flirted up from this Grace ofour Lord refit Chrift,wha thoughhe were rich,be- camepoerefor our fakes,that we through his poverty might bemade rich. FINIS.