Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

8z Th! Poore mans riches. thirdly, comfort to the remnant,toGods people; fa thefe be the parts of this prophetic. A laying openofthe fins ofthetime,under fo good a Prince as iafas was: and likewife the j dgments ofGod denounced : and then in this third Chapter cfpeci- ally, here is comfort fet downe for the good peo- ple that then lived:the comfort begins at the ninth verfe. This particular verle is abranch ofthecomfort, thathow ever Goddealt with the world,he would be'fureto have a care ofhis owne, landleave in the middefl of thee an afflic` ed and pore' people, and they /hall truftin the name ofthe Lord. Thewhole Scripture is for confolat on ánd, comfort: when God pu li doivne, it is that hë may" büildûp : when he purgeth, it is that hemay cure and heale:he is thefather of comfárt,whatfoever tae doh, it is for comfort: therefore he hath a fpeciall care in his Prophets,and Knitters, and Amnbaffddours, that thole that belong to him ` máÿ'Ú' Arai` ciupwith comfort, and not be overmuch dejec`té änd call downe:but to cometo the words. .,... Iwid alto leave in themidde ofthre, &e. In the words rhefethreeget,r heads Firff, Gods dealing with h ore Church' when he comes tovi'fat .thew ÈCave in the middefl ofthee. Secondly, their conditiop án are an affltfled and paarepeople. Thirdly, their prauife and carriage towards Cod, theyjhalttruß in the name£fthe Lord. ; Scope of the Text. Parts (Oche Text.