Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

God bathfame in theunlit times. From the firut , Gods dealing with his people in the worft times; wemay obferve,fir(t,rhat There is a deference ofthepeople, both in regard of providence in this world,and in regard of that love that tends to he world to . come: for God hash a more fpeciall care (as we (hall fee afterwards) of force, then hebath of o- chers, and he loves force toeternall life, and not others, /will leave in the middeft ofthee, an.afflttled andpoore people, refuting others : God will leave forne, he will purge awayothers: ashe faithin the verfe before, Iwill rake away®nt ofthe midaofthee, them .that rej.yc in thy. pri eona' thoufhalt nomore be haughty bee'sufeofmy holy. upuntdine: he will take: away them:but,IsyslLleavei ibemiddeji ofthee,& there is a differedçe l 1 ,á1e not alike(as thePro- vet be is) as whiretlifees l?Q .la white(tone ; that we cannot fee a difference4i is not alike withall men : for we feea difference in this world : but not much here, becaufe Gods government is vailed, it will appeare at the laá day; and whatfoever appeares at the laut day, it had aground before. There is adifference in regardofgraceand inward qualification, and in regard ofthe care of God. Even as there is adifference in the creatures: there be precious Hones, and common ftones; and in plants,therebe fruitfull trees, and barren trees: and as there is a difference likewife in the living crea- tures: foamongmenthere is a difference. Thenext thing is, that Godwilt Inive [me in the well times. He will have force in all times that arehis, a F F remnant obfer. There isxdif- ference ofpeo- rte, obirv. 3. God will have fame in the worft times.