84 Rear It isan Article of our faith. Geri batbfoa ein the ( avorfl times. remnant, as he faith here,Thererenn ¡Mt of Ifrael/hall doe no'iniguity ;and as in the Text. Ituill leave in the midde,ft of thee an Ilia-led 'andpoorepeople, &c. G o » will have alway fore that arc his in the World.. For it is an Articleof our faith, Wee beleeve the holy .Catbolrke Church there mufa not beanArticle of faith, and no objed to beleeve. If there bee faith tobeleeve a ding, ,`here- nituEt `be fomewhat eobe beleeved :`if I beleevethat ätä 'times there ihal'1bean holy CáthnlikeChurch, theremull be fuch a Church in the world , that is the obje6t of my btleefr 'or, elfe'rhere werenò foundatiòtVfbrthat Article of faith : therefore there mutt atwaybea Church to the endof the world;-fometimes more, fornetimes fewer , even as thed fcoveryof Chrift isj Prom whencecoti*stheabûndaheeofthe Spi- rit' theSpirit fblIowes=the manifeftationofthe knowledge of Chrift ,7-who is the Head of the Church : then istheChurch moil glorious ,when i the riches of Chrift are more glorioufly difcovc- "red . Thofe timeswherein there is"tñoft difcove- ry of Chrift, and the mercy and love'ofCod in him, there are more ele& of God in thole times r hen in other. There will beal way a Church in the world, that is the objeet ofour beleefe:what is the meaning ()Fitt' I beleeve that in all times to the end of theworld , there will bea company of people fpread over the world, gathered out ofthe refft of mankinde, whom. Chrift bath knit to him- Celle by faith , and themfelves together in a holy Ipirit of love ; of which copany ml beleeve my felfe