Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Gad hathfinne in the nrfilimes. Sy _.._.__..., felfe to be one : therefore there mutt` be fuch a cömpany, or elfe there would be faith,wichout an objeEt of faith; which were a great abfiartlity 'in Divinity,and reafon too. Then againe the world fhouldnot ftand,were Rea¡, z it not fora company in the world thatare his: for Tee world what are others e A company of fwearers,_and fh.ula ,ot blafphemers, prophane perfons, belly-gods, am- !land bitiousbubbles, that care for nothingbut theva- nicies of the worlds; what glory. bath God by them ? What tributedo theygive toGod .eWhat crddit to religion e They are the shame ofthe times,theyare fuch as pull`Gods vengeanceupon the times'atitl places'they lice in.'Such isthe ill dif- pofitionandpoyfonfull nature ofmen(ifthey have not theSpirit ofGod)that God would not indure the world to stand a moment, unleffe there were fometo with-hold his wrath, tobe objetsofhis love, and to flay hishand, and whentheyareall gathered, there shall be 'an end ofthis wretched and finfull world : fore there muff bewhile the world endures, and for their fakes God continues the world. Thofe that keepe Gods wrath from the world, are thofe that arehis, and till all thofe be gathered the world (hall (land. There Mall al- waybe fade. It is a point not altogether fruitleffe,it yeelds Yee. forne comfort,;to know, that when we arc taken 'comfort, that God shall have hence, others (hall fland upwhenwe are gone,the a church after Church thall not dye with us . Is not that a corn- vvc arcgone. fort whena Christian yeelds his foule to God, to chink : yet God will have a Church andpeople, F f; if