Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

-1, 86 Gods children but few. Roma y. ,Gods cbildri butfew, (ifnot among us, yet io,fome other part of the world, ) hewill have fome that fhall glorifie him in thi ..wotld,.that.fbal.l,adorne and.beaurifie reli- gron; and (hall for -ever be glorified with him in Beavers, ttilll ¢ ih tkt tnade,an end ofthere ft full äyésj Ttrs forme comfort, I fay, that goodncffe fhall live after ús, that the Gofpell dull continue aftèr us There lhal be apofterity to theend ofthe world, that (hall Rand for the truth and caufèof God ...he world:wasnor., nor ever ail be fabad, but'od bath had, and Will have, a parry in the world, that (hall (landfor_hit , and he for them. Now the children of Gôd, as they knowGod bath a pur'pofe-to - glorifie=.them wvrld.without end: fo theyhave dhre th-t,God maybe'glori- fied world without end aria from this defìre cornes joy, when they thinks that there will be a people oneearth to glorifie God Rill, when they are taken he ee:for-it is adifpohtion wrought from Gods peculiar love, to with that God may ever have his praifehere in the world,whileit is a World, and for ever in the world tocome there- fore it is a comfort to them to think that God will alwayes have a Church. . But thefe are but a few, calledby Efy a rem. nant, A remnant according to eleion,cis iris: Rom.. r r. A handful' in comparifon ofthe world, yet they are a world in refpea of themfelves:-for they areaworld taken out of the world; -brit compared with the reff of mankinde, they ,arc but as a few grape: after the vintage, as the Meanings after the harvefl, one of City, andtwo ThePro- phets