Gods children butfill,. j 87 phets every one ofthem have fpeciall phrafes, to fet out the fewnefl'e ofthofechat God hathafpe- ciall care of,hecalsthem in the next verle the rem- nant ofi f acll." God will have forre continually : but thole arebut a few that are his, his flock is but a littleflocke. It isapoint not mainly aimed at here: but it is very ufefull. Is there but a few ,but a remnant ii all timest' PP. Am I one ofthofe:' What oevidence to ifoie We 6eof thole me that I am of that little flick thatis Chri(tsr fen. What have I in me to evidencethat God hathfet his ftampe upon me to be hise That I Thal( not go the broad way to deftru&tion t Thisfhauld force finch quæres toour foules. When weheare of the few that (hall bee faved, we thould make that ufe that Chrift makes ofthat curious queftionof the fewneffe of themthat fhould be faved . o/, firiveto enter in atthe Ilraitgate ! Stand noton ma-i ny or few, make this ufeofit : í}rive to enter inat the (trait gate: takeup,and pra5ifethe duties ofre- lìgion, that are contrary to the corruptionofna. cure and contrary to the times, avoid the fins and courfes of the times, and then wefhall know, and evidence toour felves that weareofthat few num- ber . Somewhat muff be done, to (hew that wee arenot ofthofe"that go thebroad way. Weheard' that there are few that go theother way : and in- deed it willmake a man Tookeabout hirn,thevery confederation that there are but few that (hall be laved. Pp a. And it will make aman woundrous thankfull, Thankfntneac Ff4. who