God hatb a care ofhis. els; iffire come, he will bePure to carry avvay his Iewels, wharfoever become ofthe lumber. Gods children are hisafter a peculiar manner ; therefore he hath ananfwerable peculiar care ofthem inall times. And indeed when they are once his,as he makes them have a peculiar care of him;fo hee looksupon them, as fuch as he bath wroughtup- on to, begood, and towitneffe for him, that have a care to Rand for him and his honour,to own him and the caute of religion, he will have a careof them. Not that they have thisof themfelvesto winne his love : but he workes in them a care to wirneffe for him ; he workes in them a care to Rand for him& hisglory in all times;and therfore he wil be fureroRand for them in the worm times. He will not be beholding to anyman; what wee have we have it fromhim, and then hecrownes his owne graces after; hewill have a fpeciall care ofrhofe that arehis. This might be inflanced from thebeginning of the world ; from the infancy of the Church to this prefent time . Whenhe would confume the old world, Noah muft come into the Arke. And Lot muff come forth ofSodome when it was tobee deftroyed, the Angell coulddoenothingelfe. So he had a carefor Jeremiahand Baruk,hegave them their livesforaprey.He wil havea careofhisown in the worft times,for they are fealed, he hath Pet hisPeale upon them. Thofe things that are fealed we have a fpeciall care of: now inRevel.7. there area number thatarePealed : fealed inwardly by the Spirit of God, theyare markedout for God: they 'Nita/Ices of Gods care.