IMO 90 Godhat h acare of his. they are a marked , fealednumber, all thole that Ete¢9.4. God will havea fpeciall care of. As in Ezek.9 . Thofe that were marked in the ?orehead,theywere looked unto , and cared for before the deflrudion Mal ;. came. So in calalacby 3. Godhad Iewels that he faith be would gather .When he brings a generall deflruétion,he will be lure togather his Iewels,his firfl care isof them , vs booke ofremembrance was writtenfor them; he hath a booke of providence to write their names in, he hath their limmes, all the parts of them written : not a haire of them can mifcarry, their teares, their Ileps,their dayesare numbred: cagy times are in thy hands, faithDavid: all things are numbred exa lyof thole that be -. long to God; hehath a careof them ,and all theirs to a haire, as our Saviour Chrift faith ; they fhall not lofe fo much as a haireof their heads. God object. bath anexact care ofhis remnant at all times. Anfiv. But you will fay, fometimes it fats out other- Gods ckildren wife. Indeed fo it doch:for fometimes Godschi!. (u(ïer Come- times in com- dren are taken away incommon judgments, per- haps for too much corefpondency with the frames mon judge- of the times; therefore they are wrapped in the deflruetionofthe times : but yet there is a maine difference betweene them. Ionathan and Saul dyed by thefword both oft hem;élofias and others died in the field ; but there is a maine diffe once. Iona. than wasa good manSaul, for ought the Scripture faith of him, we have no ground to judge charita- bly ofhim, but leave him tohis Iudge. But fare it is in generall, though the fame things befall goodand bad outwardly : yet there is a difference herweenr