Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

God bath a careofhis. 91 bctweene Lazarus and Dives when they dye. Di- ves goes to his place, and Lazarus to Heaven. But for themoll: part this is true;in regard ofthe body of the Church (though, force few members, God hath hidden wayes tobring them to Ha- ven and happine(fe : but for the body of his Ch.irch , and deare children) he will give them their livesfor a prey; he will have a fpeciall care of them ,andbe aSanctuary to them. Nay fo far he will doe it, that the world (hall know that he hash a fpeciall care of them in the world, as it is in the Pfalrnt, the heathen (hallfay , God bads donegreat things for them : men that have no -religion, shall fay, certainly God Both great things forthefe men : though he fuller them tobe carried captive, and to be in affliäìion : yet in that veryafflition, (hall be the glory of the Church, in that very bondage andabatement . Was the Church ever more glorious then in Babylon, when Daniel was there, and the three young men were put into the fired Theglory of the.Church oft times is in out- ward abatement : the world fhall fee that God -bath a fpeciall care of themmore thenofo} hers. , God fo magnifies hirnfelfe,and is fomarvellous r& l s Church and .children, todoe good to them fometimes, to the envie ofthe enimies,and admi- ration of all the world that take notice of-them: asat the returne from the Captivity , and the like fhaiibeat theconverfion ofthe 'ewes,. Ctsmfort a- ' ai»íl it times Theufe of 'it may be to comfort us abainíl evill time ,againff the time to come;Le:us-ca our care upon God he will careforus he will be withus,and Band`