gz bath a cwe ofhis. ueFi: Anfw. Provides and. prophefies per. formed byde- grees. hand by us : he wíit never forfakeusin the wort! times. Nay his fathion is todeale withhis chil, ¡ dren,as becommetgr his ir,hnit wildome, that they, (hall findemolt comfort, and fweeteft commuai- j onwithhim in the hardeft times. Therefore let us fearenothing that fhail befall us with flavifh fear, let us feare nothing whatfoever in thisworld, as long as we are incovenant with God, come what will. It is a great honour to God to truft himwith all for the time to come :let usdoe our duty, and not be afraid of this, or that, as long (I fay)as we have God incovenant withus, who isalfuf cient. What fhould we be afraidof :' Can a motherforget her child (faith the Prophet,) IfJhelhould yet will net iforget thee, then art written on thepalmes of my hands . Thofe things that are in thepalmes ofour hands, we have ever in our eye . God hath us in his eye; he lets his children beforehim alway: how canhe forget theme How can Chrift forget his Church e He carries them in his breaft; as the highPrieft had the namesof the twelve Tribeson his breaft in twelveprecious ftones, whenhe went into the Holy ofHolies. Chrift carries our names in his heart : howcan he forget us them Let king- domes dafh oneagainlianother, and let the world tumbleupon heapes ; let there bewhat confufion ofStates therewill,God certainly will have a care of his Iewels . P will leave (in fpire ofall the world) in the middefiof thee, anafflióiedandpore people.bc. You willfay,when is this performed? in that day (faith he in the verfe before my Text{