(sod bath a care of bis.. 93 Text.)You rrr.ft know it is the Sci iptures faflüon, when it fàt: h, rn that day,to take it indefinitely,not to rye it to a certaine day : though there is a cer- taineday wherein therefhal bean accomplifhment of all prophefics, and a performance of all promi. fes,thatis,at the !aft day.In the meane timethere is a graduall performance ofpromifes, and theacc plifhmenr of them is in feverall knotsand points of time, fo much as fhall give content to Gods chil- dren;yet alwayes leading to a further and further performance. As for example , God (hewed mer- cy to there Ifraelites,when they were incaptivity', he brought them home againe;they were a poor( and afllic`ked people , andwere muchbettered by their abatement ; there was a degree of perfor- mance then. And then there was a degree of per formance in Chriifls time , when he joyned the' Gentiles to them, and bothmade one Church. Therewill bea more glorious performanceat the converfionofthe Iewes; when God (hall make his people trust in thename of the Lord,and the Gentiles shall come in and joyne with them, and they with the Gentiles. But that which followes incite verfe Ve7f 13 after, The remnant [hall doe none iniquity, nor ¡peake )yes; a deceitful) toung fhall not be found in their mouth . There things fhall have, their time, when the people (hall bemore thorowly purged then ever they were : an.l certainly there glorious por- tions ofScripture cannot have performance,but in Inch dayes as are to come . But the accomplifh- ment of all fhall be at the day of judgment . In- deed in the tneane time (as I fay) there is a cone. fortable