94 DeéI. Gods Church and Children affliftcd in this World. Gods Children afT lictect here. fortable performance, leavingus in expectationof further, and further (till : becaufe while welive here, we are in a lifeof hope and expectation,and alwayes we are under fomewhat unpetformed. So much for that. I come now to the (late and conditionof thefe people: cA'n affliíledandpoorepeople. This is their flute-and condirion,wherein is im- plied alto their difpofition :their üate is,theyare anafllieled.andpoore people; fo tisaofwerable to the original!, an afflii7edand impovcrilhedpcople,á weakned people. How ever God hath a fpeciall care of his Church in this world : Yet it is with exception of fome croffes and afflictions. You (hail have an hundredfold (faith Chrift) in this life.; but with tribulations, and afflrcions; that muff come in. But yet notwithftandinghere is a -blef ling in this: for howfoeverlhe leave them anof flic`ledand poore people, yct he leaves them a people: and though they be apeople afflicted and poore: yet they are a people that are rich inGod , they thall truft in the name of theLord,of which I (hall rp:ake. afterward. In that he.cals theman eddied and pure .people, hence wee fee in the firft place, that', The- ¡late ofGods Church andeh:Wren in this world (for the mollpart) is tobe affriledandpoore is their . outwardcondition. I fay, for the moft,part : we muff notmake ita generali rule : it is a point rather to,comfort us when it is fo,-than that it is alway fo with the Church.