9ó ,Rear 2 , We cannot beare protpe Gods Children afflicted here. beane the flare of the Church, for the moft parr, robe affli&:cl,and Poore. And indeed, if we lòoke toour felves (by rea- fon ofthe remainderof our corruptions)it is need. full it fhould be fo. Cod in wildome fees it fit it fhould be Co , that wee fhould bee aftliCted and poore: hecau e he fees that we can hardly digeft any flourifhing condition in this world. It isas ecrong waters to a wea e f omacke : how ever thongwaters intoxicate them nor, to make them drunke,yet they weaken thebrame : fo how ever a good condition in the world loth not altogether befot men, yet it weakens them, without a grea meafure of faith,andmakes them forget God,and the conditionofworldly things, how empty and vaine they are, and forget the-nafelves, and their owne mortality , and forget others, what refpea is due to them : as ifthe world were made only fdrthem to tofre and tumble in at their pleafure, to have all at their will : as if other men were fcarce mento them . You fee when men are tru- fhf d with great matters,they dealewith other men as ifthey were not men, as if all were made for their pleafure . This is the nature ofmania great eminency,it fets up its owne delire for a god, as if all other were beans, and bafe,and nothing. It is a piifall thing to confider what our nature is in this kind . Nay, take the bell : Ffezekiah , in his profperitie, he would needs fhew histreafures to the kingof I3abylon,(a faire bootie for him) you knowwhat it coil him afterward . Naturally we areprone to outward carnall excellency too too much,