Of Spirituali Poverty. much,God knowes it well enough. David would be numb:ing the people, that he might be concei- ted what a goodly numberhe had to fight againft his enemies : God punifhed him you fee in that kinde,he tooke away that people that he made his confidence. God deales thus with his children in thisworld , becaufe hefees a difpofition in them that cannot digtft, and rnannage, and overcome profpeicy ; they cannot command it as they shoulddo,but are (laves to their own lufts, though they have a good meafure of grace. We are prone to furfcit of the things ofthis life, and God is forced; as it is in ?fäl. i 19 ofvery fsithfahueffe thou haft correaedtue, God of very faithfulneffe, becaufehe willbe trueto our fouls and fave them, he is forced todiet us , and to keep us fhort ofthe things ofthis life : totake away matter ofpride, and matter of conceitedneffe in carnali excellen- cies, to make us know ourfelvcs,and him, and the world what it is, the vanity.of the world, and worldly things. You fee then, God hath fome caufe to do it. And we may juflifie God whenheany way a- bafethus in this world : heknowes what heehath to do with us, let us leave that to him , fohe fave our foules, and fantifiethem, anddelight inus to heaven and happineffe : if his pleafure be to diet us in this world,in regard ofriches,and greatneffe, that hello--not anfwerour defires,btt keepe us un- der hatches;letus leave it to his will, he knowes what to dowith us asthe Phyfitiat+ knowesbet- ter what concernes the ficke,than the lick Both. G Therefore lfal. ta9. T'fê. To jui4sfc G®d -4ar abalcmtr.6