Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Why he joyns afr{ifted, and Poore. DO. Camard pC vat), t4naERed help3 p9E+Srf7 og tpaob6 f)stn,ardTover°ty bellies snI)iard. Therefore let us take in good part the wife dif, penfationofGod. But why doth he joyneaflited andpoore toge- ther r Becaufe poverty is afflàâion, and becawfe affliction goes with poverty, poverty brings aflli- ¿ion,it brings abafementwith it, and it is anaffii- Eîion it felfe : For the poore man is trodon at all hands,nren goover the hedge where it is loweíl, it is anafflielion,and it goes with affli&ion, There- forethe Apofile S. pail; rhilip.4. he jôynes them together, i hive learned to want and to be sbafd: Whye Becaufe a man that is in wantin theworld, isufuallyabafed ,- every.m n fcornes him that is inwant: they looke haughty andbigh over a man that hath anyufe ofthem, fo that affliction and poverty ufuallygo together Thofe that God loth abaft in this kinde, let them confider that it is no otherwìfe with them, than ithath beene with Gods people beforoand let them labour for true riches , take advantage from their outward eflate to be rich in a bet- ter way. In the next place we may obferve hence, that Gee f niIáfies outward af1iFäion and poverty, to hefpeltwsrdpoverty offirit. Poverty in outward condition helpes poverty in the inward difpofition. In their flare and con dition isimplyed their difpofition '3 poore forcon- dition,andlikewife in inward difpofition: for that !, is impliedhere. The Prophet doth not meanehe will leavepoorepeople that fhall:onelybepoore: for wefeeaworld ofpooreandproud. Aman as he s,.....secesese