Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Outward povertyhelps reward, with husks abroad, it was time forhim toTooke homeagaine. So when we are ii theElate ofgrace, it keepes and pales us in, God hedgeah us in with thorns, that wemay not run our. And then ifwe fall, it recovers us, and fetcheth us in againe by imbittering finfull courfes to us. We fee thenof fli&ion and poverty is fan tfied to Gods children, to worke an inward fight of their fpirituall wants. Take noticehenceofthe poyfonand finfulneflèe of our corrupt nature, that defiles it felfe in the bleflings ofGod ; fo that Godcannot otherwife fit us for grace, but by flripping of us of thofe things that aregood in themfelvcs. This (hould 101 Vii I. Thep oyfon- full natureof maso, that de- files it (elfe in abafe usvery much, confxdei ing that thofe things that fhould be rifes tous, to raifeus up to God, that fhould be glafles to fee the love of God in; our natureufeth them asclouds to keep God from us,attd to fallen, and fixe upon the t pings them raves; fo that there is no other remedy, but God mu(l fìrip us naked of them : this confìderation\ thould humbleus. And let us make this ufe of it : Let us know rté when any abafement is fanhified to us, it Abatements comes from Go n s love. If wee finde any fanfkified come from aflietion make us inwardly more humble, coax lon . and traâable, and more pliable; certainely it comesfrom love, and is direäed toour good: and therefore t is in love, becaufe it is diredcd toour good. For it is well taken away in earthly things,, that is fupplied inheavenly and fpirituall. What it' God rake away fuch outward honours , and re- 1fpeCts, and riches; if. Godmake it up ingrates G 2 3 _ _ that